Berkey Water Filter Review

Berkey Water Filter Review

A Big Berkey Water Filter is something I would never want to go without! The Big Berkey filters chlorine, floruide and pesticides found in common tap water. 

Is That a Huge Coffee Pot?

I get asked if my Berkey Water Filter is a coffee pot fairly frequently. And whenever company comes over, and somebody spots the big silver thing on my counter, someone is likely to ask,

“Is that a coffee maker?!”

Haha. No, but that would be kind of cool. Coffee on tap, all day long.

It does take up a little extra room that I could probably use for something else, but I’m so used to it now that I barely even notice it. I guess if you have never seen one before, you might wonder what that big stainless steel thing is.

So if you read on, I’ll share with you why I don’t plan on getting rid of it…EVER!


Is the Big Berkey Worth the Investment?

We started researching water filtration systems shortly after we got married. Since we were expecting our first baby, I wanted to get a good quality filter that would take all of the chlorine and chemicals from out tap water. I was fairly certain that city tap water wasn’t the healthiest for a growing family,  and I missed the fresh taste of my family’s deep well water from back home.

I read up on water filters for a couple of weeks, and after that for me to confirm that the tap water we were drinking was something I definitely didn’t want my family consuming on a regular basis. Also, being the health nuts we were, we were drinking a LOT water.

Safe Water is a Priority

I was concerned learning about how much chlorine lead, arsenic, fluoride and bacteria/viruses could be found in drinking water.

Our local city water has so much chlorine in it that it smells like a swimming pool when I fill the tub up for the kids. And I didn’t want my little babies (or my husband and myself!) drinking that!

It didn’t take me long to find out that there were a ga-zillion different types of water filters…fridge pitcher systems, reverse osmosis, whole house systems, under counter set-ups…the list is long.

I soon decided on the Berkey filter, and we have loved it ever since! Along with my Vitamix and Omega Juicer, it is the top kitchen items I refuse to do without!

The Three Main Reasons I Choose a Berkey Water Filter

3) Price was a big one

I didn’t want to deal with having to replace filters every couple of months. There are some filters that are cheaper up front, but the require changing out the filters frequently. An example is the Brita water filter. Also, Berkey has posted the cost per gallon on their website and they have found that the cost per gallon is approximately 1.6 cents. Most of the other brands I looked into averaged between 6 and 8 cents. That’s quite a difference when you add up the water your entire family drinks over ten years!

2) Better filter quality

The MAIN reason I decided to even look into water filters was because the municipal water we were drinking is full of chemicals no one should be putting into their body, including chlorine and fluoride. I know the subject of fluoride can be a touchy subject for some, but I personally like to have control over the amounts my children are ingesting on a regular basis. The Berkey met all of the requirements I was looking for, and then some. In addition to chemicals, it also filters out viruses and bacteria, which most other filters don’t. You could literally take it camping and pour pond water through it and drink it. Seriously, that’s pretty cool!

3) Testing is easy

The Berkey water filter lets you easily test the filters to be sure they are working optimally. (I’ll talk more about this down below). One time my 4 year old knocked the entire thing off the counter. So after I got it set back up, I ran the “food dye” test to make sure there weren’t any hairline fractures in my filters. I love this about the Berkey. With most other systems, you just have to trust that the filters are working, and it’s hard to tell when they have met their life span capability.

No Electricity Needed!

Some other things I love about the Berkey is that it doesn’t require electricity, and is completely mobile. There are some expensive reverse osmosis systems I considered as well, but (aside from the steep price) I didn’t like the idea of not being able to filter water if the electricity went out. The prepper in me likes the idea of being able to take the Berkey with us wherever we need to go and be able to filter drinking water!

Another cool thing about the Berkey is that it doesn’t remove beneficial minerals. It gets out the bad but leaves the good. I didn’t find that in any other filters.

(This post contains referral links and Amazon affiliate links. I only recommend products I use and love! Read my full disclosure here)

berkey water filter


How Do You Do the Food Dye Test with The Berkey Water Filter?

  1. Take off the top part of the stainless steel system, while leaving the black filters securely attached.
  2. Put the bottom tip of each filter into a glass jar or container.
  3. Add 8-10 cups of water and about 10 drops of food coloring to the top container and give it a swirl.
  4. Watch as the water come out into the glass jars below. It should be completely clear.

What Does The Big Berkey Filter Out?

I looked this up directly on the Berkey website. It says Berkeys filter out over 99.99% chlorine, more than 99.99% bacteria and viruses, lead, VOC’s, THM’s, lindane, benzene and atrizine.

Will The Berkey Remove Lead?

Yes! It removes over 96% of the lead found  in water.

Does The Berkey Remove Fluoride?

The Berkey water filter is one of the few systems aside from a Reverse Osmosis system that removes fluoride. And then you will also need to purchase the Fluoride filters, if filtering fluoride is important to you.

How Often Do You Need To Change The Berkey Filters?

Each of the black filters will last for 3,000 gallons. The filter system will hold up to four of the black filters, or two black filters and two fluoride filters. Since we have 2 of each on ours, that gives a lifetime filtration amount of 6k gallons. I estimate that my filters to last between 2-4 years.

How Do You Clean the Berkey Water Filter?

Cleaning the Berkey filter is simple. First, empty all the water from the Berkey system. Next, take the filters out by unscrewing the wing nuts that hold them in place. After that, just scrub the filter down with a scotch brite pad under cold running water.

When and How Often Do You Change The Water In a Berkey Water Filter?

It depends on how much water you use, but we fill our Berkey up several times a day. To get the last bit of water before refilling, tip it forward slightly toward the spout.

Shop the Berkey water filter that we have HERE

In conclusion, I strongly recommend the Berkey Water Filter!

Do you have a Berkey water filter? How do you like it? Let me know in the comments below!

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berkey water filter
5 Best Brown Rice Brand of 2020

5 Best Brown Rice Brand of 2020

The best brown rice brand of 2020! Brown rice is not only super healthy, it can be incredibly affordable! I did a deep dive into the pros and cons of some of the top brown rice brands to help you narrow your options down.  

Best Brown Rice Brands of 2020

I am a brown rice expert.

Why, you ask? Because, brown rice was a STAPLE in our house growing up. My parents were hard core Macrobiotic from the time I was age 5-17. We went to Macrobiotic conferences and everything. Don’t know what Macrobiotics is? Let me sum it up for you…

Rice and beans, and beans and rice. Kale, rice and miso.

(Before you go any further, I recommend doing yourself a favor and just getting this book.! Seriously, the best rice cook book ever if you want to cook lots of rice and not hear your family complain about eating the same thing every night. You know, cause I totally don’t do that 😉

My kids and husband eat a lot of rice as well. It’s a staple around our place! We get pretty creative with it, and have lots of fun ways to season our brown rice to make it yummy and fun for the kids to eat. I wrote a post about our 15 Favorite Ways to Season Brown Rice, so be sure to go check that out when you’re done reading here!

So, now you have my brown rice credentials. I literally grew up on the stuff, therefore, I feel entitled to claim my expertise in all things brown rice related.


best brown rice brand

(This post contains referral links and Amazon affiliate links. I only recommend products I use and love! Read my full disclosure here)


Lundberg Family Farms Japonica Field Blend Rice

Brown Rice by Gerbs

Planet Rice Sprouted Brown Gaba Rice

Nishiki Premium Brown Rice

Dynasty Jasmine Brown Rice

Want to Learn More?

Now that you have seen my top recommendations, I’ll go into a little more detail on each brand, and why I like it! Click the button after each brand to check the price on Amazon! 

Lundberg Family Farms Japonica Field Blend Rice

This brand offers great products that are high quality and reasonably priced. We ate Lundberg Rice growing up…I remember my Mom buying it in 50 lb bags!

Lundberg Family farms is a brand that has been around for a long time, and really stand out from the competition. They have been around so long that when they first started, most rice crops were grown organically by default.

Organic Certification

This brand has stuck with their roots, continuing to produce high quality, organic rice to this day. This brand produces rice that is not only superior in taste, but superior in nutrition.

Along with their organic certification, Lundberg brand uses System of Rice Intensification Practices, which is a method used in crop growing that limits carbon footprint and reduces the amount of water resources used. It is also certified non-GMO.

This particular variety of rice is of the sticky rice variety, which creates a soft and sticky rice when cooked. This might be something you prefer if you need the rice to hold a certain form-such as when making sushi or rice balls.

An added bonus of this product is it’s attractive packaging, which creates a feeling of authenticity and quality that you sense immediately!

Brown Rice by Gerbs

Gerbs is a high quality, very affordable rice. They provide an extremely high quality product while keeping their costs one of the lowest on the market.

This brand comes in two pound packages, and has a long list of pros for those with food allergies or sensitivities. It is in the Top 11 Allergen Free category, is non-GMO and is also a US organically grown product.

Gerbs really prioritizes quality and have an “All-Natural Pledge” that they adhere to . This brand avoids all artificial ingredients, chemicals, preservatives, GMO’s, and trans fat. They have earned a lot of respect from consumers.

Naturally Gluten-Free Brown Rice is long grain whole grain brown rice. It has a rich, nutty flavor. The consistency is a medium to firm, chewy texture.


  • Organically Grown
  • Packaged & Shipped on dedicated Allergen Free equipment
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Certified free from: Gluten, Wheat, Peanut, Tree-Nut, Soy, Egg, Milk/Dairy, Sesame, Mustard, Shellfish & Crustacean.
  • High in Fiber, Antioxidants and Omega Fats. 


  • A healthy, gourmet rice perfect for a variety of dishes
  • Lundberg Family Farms is Certified Organic and Eco-Farmed. They grow their products with careful concern for the environment.  
  • This rice has a nutty, mushroom-like flavor with a bit of an exotic sweet spiciness.
  • This is an attractive blend that contains both short grain black rice and medium grain mahogany rice. 

All in all, I highly recommend all of Lundberg’s products, and they are usually my go-to for rice of all kinds! I would consider it one of the best brown rice brand.

Planet Rice Sprouted Brown Gaba Rice

Nootropics are a hot topic these days. GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is one of the more notable ones.

GABA is a highly beneficial amino acid found in everyday foods (and produced by our brain). It can help reduce stress and anxiety, boost sleep quality and encourage a calming state for the brain. Whole grain brown rice that has been sprouted has over four times the GABA content as regular brown rice, and more than ten times the amount of white rice!

Kids love this rice, as the taste and texture is superior. Moms love it because leftovers keep well!

The downside of sprouted rice is that it tends to be a little pricier. However, I think the health benefits of sprouted rice are worth the additional cost.

It comes in a convenient zip lock style bag, so storage is easy and it has a long shelf life.  


  • Planet Rice uses a natural, proprietary process for sprouting their rice that results in a higher than average germination rate. This is important because it produces a product that is richer in nutrition.
  • This is a whole grain, gluten free, non-GMO rice
  • It tastes great! This brown rice brand tastes great several days after cooking, making it easy to batch cook and meal prep for the week!
  • A great option for vegans and kids needing to optimize nutrition

Nishiki Premium Brown Rice

Nishiki’s brand is a good quality rice, however, they don’t offer an organic option so this isn’t one I use on a regular basis.That said, it is very affordable, and is a well known brand with distinctive authenticity and outstanding quality.You can get it in 15 lb bags, which can be very convenient.

This brand makes a great sticky rice which is perfect for sushi. So if you’re needing a good consistency for sushi-rolls or other Japanese recipes, this could be a good option!


    • 15 Pound Package
    • Not organicThe perfect brown rice for sushi
    • California medium grain rice
    • A great choice for affordability
    • All natural
    • Raised in California

Dynasty Jasmine Brown Rice

Jasmine rice is a popular style of rice that has recently gained a lot of popularity. Dynasty brand has a great combo of jasmine and brown rice which gives it a unique texture and flavor. It is a highly versatile product, and can be used for a lot of different recipes and dishes.

The cool thing about this rice is that you can adjust the water to rice ratio to get the texture you want for your particular recipe. Reduce the water to make it grainier and drier, and increase the water for a stickier variety. It works great either way!

The packaging on this brand leaves a little to be desired; it’s rather boring. But beyond that, it is a good quality, Jasmine rice blend that can be used for a wide variety of recipes.


  • Versatile blend can be used in a lot of products
  • Not organic
  • You can adjust the water ratio to easily make a grainier or stickier rice for different recipes.
  • Good flavor

Now that I’ve shown you the top 5 brands of brown rice, let’s talk a little about the pros and cons of different rice varieties, and the health benefits that rice offers!

The Difference Between Short Grain and Long Grain Rice

The two main rice varieties are:

  • Short grain rice: fluffier and starchier, short grain rice has a stickier texture and will hold it’s shape well. It is more suitable for paella, risotto and sushi rolls or sushi balls. It also makes a good breakfast porridge.
  • Long grain rice: drier and less starchy than short grain rice, long grain rice is good for dishes like pilaf or dishes with sauces.


Health Benefits of Brown Rice

A big benefit of whole grain brown rice is its large amount of dietary fiber. It also has high amounts of important vitamins and minerals, such as manganese and phosphorous.

Whole grain brown rice is:

  • Rich in fiber supports healthy cholesterol levels
  • Helps stabilize blood sugar levels
  • Contains lots of phytochemicals and minerals
  • High in Folic acid for pregnant women
  • High in Iron for better blood health

Brown Rice vs. White Rice

The difference between white and brown rice is profound. It’s similar to the differences between white flour and whole wheat flour.

Brown Rice is a whole food

Basically, brown rice is the whole, raw version of the grain that only the inedible husk is removed from. White rice goes through a refining process that removes many of it’s natural components, including the mill and germ. This drastically reduces it’s nutrient value and removes many valuable minerals and vitamins.

Wild Rice vs. Brown Rice

There are a few major differences between wild and brown rice.

Wild rice is not actually a rice, but rather a species of grass. Wild rice is gluten free and is slightly lower in calories than brown rice, so can be a good alternative for those on restricted diets or lower calorie diets.

Brown rice is high in protein and fiber, manganese, zinc and potassium. It’s higher in calories compared to wild rice and has a lot of antioxidants.

Specialty Brown Rice Types:

The two main varieties of specialty brown rice are Jasmine and Basmati.

  • Jasmine rice is a traditional species from Thailand. It has very unique and sweet flavor when cooked. It is great for many Asian meals, and is fairly sticky in texture.
  • Basmati rice is a long grain brown rice that grown longer when cooked. It has a mildly spicy aroma, and is used widely in the middle east. It is commonly used in curry dishes and other middle eastern recipes.

Quinoa vs. Brown Rice

The major difference when comparing brown rice and quinoa are:  

Quinoa is a higher source of of iron and magnesium. Iron and magnesium used to help with bone tissue, improved blood health and cell membranes.

Both quinoa and brown rice have a similar amount of calories. They are both great sources of carbohydrates (around 20-22 grams per serving) and high in protein and nutrients.

How to Cook Brown Rice

General instructions for cooking brown rice:

  1. Combine a ratio of 1 part rice to 2 parts water in a pot (example: 1 C rice, 2 cups water) in a pot.
  2. Add a pinch of salt. Bring to a boil, uncovered.
  3. Cover with a lid and reduce heat to low. Let it simmer for about 20 minutes.
  4. Turn off the heat and let the pot sit 10 minutes with the lid on.
  5. Be sure not to stir rice while it’s cooking.
  6. Let it sit longer if until desired tenderness is reached

How to Season Brown Rice

Check out my families favorite 15 ways to season brown rice in this post!

In Conclusion

Brown rice is awesome, and is a healthy food to add to your daily diet. There are a lot of brands, but in general it’s hard to go wrong when choosing the best brown rice brand.

I’m collecting recipes using brown rice for a future post, so be sure to leave your best brown rice recipe in the comments and I might include it!

Why I LOVE My Vitamix High Speed Blender

Why I LOVE My Vitamix High Speed Blender

Why I LOVE My Vitamix High Speed Blender

Why I LOVE My Vitamix

I LOVE my Vitamix! And I don’t use the L word lightly…I didn’t even tell my future husband I loved him until the day he proposed, so my high speed blender ranks pretty high on the list!

Here are the top reasons why I love my Vitamix high speed blender

(This post contains referral links. I only recommend products I use and love! Read my full disclosure here)

1) The Vitamix Lasts for Years

I have used my Vitamix literally every single day, 3 to 5 times a day for the past seven years.

Yep, you heard that right! I’ve used my Vitamix 35 times a week, 140 times a month for the past seven years.

And it still works as good as new.

If I had to pick only three items to keep in my kitchen I would choose a knife, a cutting board, and my vita mix. Oh, and my Berkey Water Filter. You can read about that here.

2) It’s The Most Durable Blender Ever

One time, my three-year-old, in a fit of three year old rage, threw my Vitamix container on to my hard tile floor. The corner of the canister chipped off and it got a small crack up the side. I super glued the corner back on and went right back to using it. I’ve always meant to order a new canister for my Vitamix, but have never gotten around to it as the old one is still holding out perfectly fine.

I think I’ll just save the money for now.

To say I’m happy with it to resilience is an understatement


3) I Love That it Helps Me to Get My Veggies In

The main thing we make in out Vitamix is Smoothies.

The amazing thing about these high speed blenders is how smooth the make smoothies. No more “chunkies”!

I make fruit smoothies for the kids and I make green smoothies for myself. I’ll shove it in between half a pound or even up to a full pound of green with some water blend it up, add some frozen berries, a tablespoon of Chia seeds, maybe a couple bananas are part of an avocado.

And I’ve just downed most of my required green veggies for the day, before breakfast.

4) The Vitamix Helps Me Slim Down

After the birth of my third baby, I lost 67 pounds in less than a year by incorporating this simple green smoothie into my daily routine. If you’d like some more ideas and recipes for getting started eating a healthy diet packed with lots of fruits and veggies, be sure to download my free five day meal plan and email course.

5) It Makes Cooking From Scratch Easier

I also make a lot of homemade salad dressings in my vita mix. One of my favorites is with tahini, lemon juice, a little bit of olive oil, and some herbs or seasonings. If I have any fresh herbs in the garden I’ll just throw a handful of those in and it always makes it super yummy and smooth.

Lately, I’ve also been making a lot of gluten-free, almond flour muffins in it. My kids love anything in muffin form and so I have come up with this quick recipe that only uses one container (my vita mix!). I wish I could give you the exact recipe, but honestly are usually just kind of wing it. I start with a base of two bananas and four eggs, and then I am roughly a cup of almond flour, maybe a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and a quarter teaspoon of baking powder a pinch see salt, and then I just blend it up. Sometimes I’ll add up to 3/4 a cup of almond milk to get a consistency right. Then I simply oil of the month and tens and pour in. Sometimes I’ll stick a few dark chocolate chips in the batter or a half a cup of blueberries to mix things up.


What Model of Vitamix Should You Get?

I’ll be honest, I’m not a big expert on makes, models and brands. But, I’ll include a link to the exact make and model that we have below in case you want to check it out. The one we got was refurbished, and so we saved some money going that route. One thing I will say, is that you want to be sure to get a model that has the adjustable speed setting on it. My parents had an old-school one (they used it to grind a lot of grain…another awesome thing that the Vita-Mix can be used for) that only had high and low settings, and after having the variable speed settings, I will say that it makes all the difference.

Anyway, I hope that helps you if you are in the market for a blender or a Vita Mix. I definitely cannot imagine not having one, and I think it is totally worth the investment, even if you have to save up for a bit before getting one.

Here’s the Vitamix high speed blender we have:

Be sure to let me know if you end up getting a Vitamix how you love it, and what your favorite recipes are!

Happy blending!

thriving mama

Welcome! I’m Gessell. Follow along for all things natural living, essential oil education, motherhood and healthy recipes.

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Why I Love My Vitamix High Speed Blender Why I LOVE My Vitamix High Speed Blender

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Best Spiralizers You Can Get on Amazon to Make Veggie Noodles

Best Spiralizers You Can Get on Amazon to Make Veggie Noodles

Best Spiralizers You Can Get on Amazon to Make Veggie Noodles

What’s the Best Spiralizer for Veggie Noodles?

The best spiralizers you can get on Amazon to make veggie noodles with are the ones you will USE!

That’s why I wrote this summary of the best spiralizers.

(This post contains affiliate links that I may receive compensation for, at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products I love!)

1. OXO Good Grips Spiralizer

2. Spiralizer Five-Blade Vegetable Slicer

3. Mueller Spiral-Ultra Multi-Blade Spiralizer

4. OXO Good Grips 3-Blade Handheld Spiralizer

5. Bella Hands-Free 4-in-1 Electric Spiralizer

Keto, Paleo, low-carb, raw, vegan, gluten-free—veggie noodles (or zoodles) are great in all sorts of diets and ways of eating. Because adding more veggies to your diet is never a bad thing! If you’d like some great recipes to use your new spiralizer with, check out my post 10 Healthy and Easy Zoodle (Zucchini Noodle) Recipes.

There are so many awesome spiralizing machines available, figuring out which is best for your needs can feel a little overwhelming. Here are the five that I personally think are the best for your money, and since you can order them on Amazon, they should be available for most of my readers!

So without further ado, here are the best spiralizers you can get on Amazon to make veggie noodles! Time to get spiralizing!

 My 5 Favorite Spirilizers

1. OXO Good Grips Spiralizer

OXO makes great kitchen utensils that are high quality, safe and stylish.  This tabletop cranker style spiralizer is a one of their great products. 

It has three stainless steel blades. The 1/8 blade will make spaghetti style noodles, the 1/4 blade makes fettuccini type noodles and also a thin ribbon cut. It all packs nicely into it’s case and is easy to store. 

One of the best features is the sturdy suction cup base that fixes to your counter top. You suction the device down with a turn of the lever and it holds strongly in place while you make your veggie noodles. 

The veggie holder has sharp little teeth, which makes it easy to use for firmer vegetables like squash, beets, carrots or potatoes. It can be little trickier for items like cabbage or water cucumbers, depending on which blade you use. Oh, and did I mention it’s dishwasher safe?


2. Spiralizer Five-Blade Vegetable Slicer

This is the spiralizer that I use the most! It’s a table top tool that makes my life sooooo much easier! It’s made with bpa free, durable and food-safe plastic, it’s compact and easy to use and comes with five stainless steel blades for lots of fun variety of noodle shapes and sizes. 

….The base is long enough to easily make noodles out of fruits and veggies up to 10 inches long. It has four suction cups on the bottom to help anchor it to the counter or table. It stores neatly and cleans easily. This one is my personal favorite out of all the best spiralizers you can get on Amazon to make veggie noodles

3. Mueller Spiral-Ultra Multi-Blade Spiralizer

This top of the line spiralizer will make lefties happy! It’s sleek, vertical design has the cranking arm stationed on top, which allows easy functionality to left and right handed use. It’s made with bpa free reinforced plastic and has four solid stainless steel blades.  

This kitchen gadget not only makes veggie noodles, but can double as a citrus juicer, a grater and mandolin! But I think my favorite thing about it is the tidy little container your veggie noodles land in, which contains the mess and makes clean up a breeze!

4. OXO Good Grips 3-Blade Handheld Spiralizer

If you are short on kitchen space or want a travel friendly option, then go with this sweet little hand held spiralizer! About three and a half inches wide and five inches long, it easily stores in a small space or suitcase.  

To make noodles, you put your veggie between the grippable, non-slip spiked cap and one of the cup’s three screw-on blades, then turn it clockwise and the zoodles or veggie noodles come out the bottom.  In the tiny category, this is by far one of the best spiralizers you can get on Amazonto make veggie noodles

5. Bella Hands-Free 4-in-1 Electric Spiralizer

And now, we get fancy! In stark contrast to the simple device  above this is 100-percent hands- (and effort-) free. It’s set up like a standard, horizontally fed tabletop model, but that’s about where the similarities end.

For one, there’s no cranking involved: All you do is set your prepped fruits and veggies (fewer than six inches) to the rod’s metal teeth, turn the knob on the built-in blade rotator until your desired cut slides into place, flip a switch and watch the beast whirr to life, transforming your zucchini into a whole mess of tasty strands in seconds.

As if that weren’t magical enough, it’s also equipped with an auto-stop feature that cuts the engine when your veggie’s whittled down to a half-inch nub.

I hope this helped you find the best spiralizers you can get on Amazon to make veggie noodles with! I would love to hear in the comments which you decided on.

thriving mama

Welcome! I’m Gessell. Follow along for all things natural living, essential oil education, motherhood and healthy recipes.

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