Toddler Lunch Ideas-Healthy Meals for Busy Days

by | Apr 8, 2019 | Healthy Food, Recipes

Here are three of my favorite toddler lunch ideas for those days when you need something that is quick to make but still healthy and nutritious!

3 Healthy Lunch Ideas for Toddlers

Coming up with a quick lunch that is healthy -and that picky toddlers will eat!- can be a challenge some days! 

My little ones are big grazers, and rarely want to slow down enough to eat an entire meal. Finger foods of any kind are a favorite, and calling lunch “snack-time” usually goes over better than calling it lunch…go figure. 

Over the years, I’ve learned to approach lunch time as a time to trick my kids into eating healthy food “healthy snack time” and to make things that are simple and snack-like in nature, but that sneak in some extra veggies and fruits. 

Here are the three sneaky healthy lunch ideas for toddlers that have become staples for us:


1) “Make Your Own” Toddler Snack Plate


 There are two things toddlers love. Finger food and independence. Having them create their own snack plate for lunch makes them feel like they are participating while also allowing them to make independent decisions. 

I slice up a variety of veggies, and then put out little dishes of condiments and dips and allow them to go to town!

Some favorites are…

  • Carrot sticks
  • Sliced beets
  • Sliced cucumber
  • Apple slices
  • Peanut butter
  • Raw tahini
  • Boiled eggs
  • Hummus
  • Yogurt (for dipping)
  • Sliced cheese
  • Soft goat cheese (also for dipping)

2) Lunch Ice-cream (just kidding…sort of)

I don’t always usually very often really give my kids ice cream for lunch. (Although, there was that one day…but I digress).

We do, however, frequently make smoothies (or baby shakes) that we refer to as ice cream. (Some day I’m sure they will realize that it’s not ACTUALLY ice cream. But I will cross that bridge when I come to it).

I usually put the “ice cream” in one of their stainless steel sippy cups, with the stopper taken out. A stainless steel cup with a lid and straw works well too, if your kids are old enough to drink out of a straw. 

I usually make myself a big green smoothie at the same time. Green smoothies are a daily habit that have helped me tremendously…I talk about them more here.

I don’t follow a recipe for baby shakes, but the basic formula is a combination of:

  • 1 banana
  • 1 C of organic berries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1/2 avocado or 2 T nut butter
  • Generous handful of greens
  • Water or almond/rice/oat milk to blend

    3) Sneaky Broccoli Noodles

    Noodles in any shape or form are always a hit with my toddlers.

    Pretty sure they would eat noodles for lunch, breakfast and dinner, seven days a week if I let them.

    We usually do some sort of whole grain, gluten free pasta. Rice noodles, or quinoa if I can find them.

    Since noodles are such a popular meal with the preschool crowd, if gotten in the habit of blending some steamed broccoli up in the marinara sauce before serving, to sneak some extra veggies in.

    My kids have never picked up on any broccoli taste, but they will complain if they can see any broccoli chunks. So just make sure you blend well (my Vitamix works great for this!) so it’s nice and smooth…especially if you have any picky eaters.

    So there you have it! My top go toddler lunch ideas!

    Comnent below if you have any healthy lunch ideas that your toddlers love, and I’ll add them to the list!

    Here are some other great posts for kids:

    Summer Bucket List

    Watermelon Popsicles 



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    Toddler Lunch Ideas

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