How to Use Eucalyptus Essential Oil

How to Use Eucalyptus Essential Oil

I got a new bottle of Eucalyptus Essential Oil this week. Typically, I use more of it during the fall and winter months, when the tendency is to be prone to congestion.

But as I’m sitting here staring at this bottle, thinking “God, I hope no one get sick this winter” I started to wonder what other things there were to learn about how to use eucalyptus oil.

After a little bit of research, I found that the main uses are:

  • Promotes relaxation
  • Eucalyptus oil promotes feelings of clear breathing
  • Can be used as a cleansing agent
  • Wonderful when used in a soothing massage
  • Helps clean and revitalize the skin
  • Can provide support during menstruation

Apparently, I need to make much more use of this awesome oil! Ready to get your own? Order here


There are dozens of benefits of Eucalyptus oil! Eucalyptus is most often used a cooling and soothing vapor that is inhaled or applied topically. When you’re feeling under the weather, diffusing Eucalyptus oil or rubbing a few drops onto your chest will help promote feelings of open airways.

To ease sore muscles, add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil to your favorite carrier oil, such as Fractionated Coconut Oil, and massage gently for relief. Eucalyptus oil offers soothing support during menstruation when massaged onto the lower abdomen.

Eucalyptus oil benefits include:

  • Promotes a feeling of open airways
  • Creates a soothing and cooling vapor
  • Lovely for a soothing massage
  • Provides support during monthly menstruation


(This post contains referral links and Amazon affiliate links. I only recommend products I use and love! Read my full disclosure here)

EUCALYPTUS-Eucalyptus radiata

Eucalyptus essential oil has a clean, refreshing aroma that supports easy breathing, dispels odors, and clears the mind. Emotionally, Eucalyptus oil is used to decrease feelings of tension and promote relaxation


The aroma of Eucalyptus oil has a relaxing quality that makes it a favorite scent for spas. The minty aroma of Eucalyptus oil is wonderful for creating feelings of calms and lessening feelings of tension and stress, while supporting a clear and relaxed mind. Because of this, you’ll often find it used in spas.

Try diffusing Eucalyptus oil when you feel stressed or anxious, or right before bed to help yourself settle down and unwind. I also like to put a couple of drops on my feet during a shower for an invigorating effect.

Since Eucalyptus oil is very purifying and cleansing it can be great for hair and skin. For oily skin, add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil to your lotion or moisturizer.

Adding a few drops to a room mister can make a wonderful room deodorizer. Just fill the mister with distilled water and add 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus oil.

Other Uses for Eucalyptus Oil

  • Combine 2 drops of Eucalyptus oil with 1-2 drops each of Lemon oil and Peppermint oil in a spray bottle and use it to wipe down surfaces in your bathroom or kitchen.
  • Place a few drops in your hands and inhale deeply while in the shower. The steam from the shower combined with the Eucalyptus will be invigorating and promote a feeling of open airways.
  • Combine a 2-3 drops of Eucalyptus oil, Lavender oil, and your favorite citrus oil to a spray bottle of water for a DIY deodorizing spray,
  • Diffuse Eucalyptus oil with Juniper Berry oil and Douglas Fir oil for a refreshing, relaxing winter scent in the home..


doTERRA’s Eucalyptus essential oil is sourced from the Eucalyptus radiata leaves, which are harvested in Australia. Australia provides growing conditions which make the oil particularly rich in eucalyptol.


Because Australia is home to nearly all 700 known species of eucalyptus, it is the ideal location for sourcing Eucalyptus oil.

Eucalyptus trees can grow up to 50 feet tall, with long green leaves. As an evergreen tree, the Eucalyptus tree requires a lot of water to survive. Eucalyptus essential oil is steam distilled from the leaf of the Eucalyptus radiata tree.



Promoting Relaxation

If you’ve had a long day, full of worry and stressful feelings, Eucalyptus oil is the perfect oil for you. Diffusing Eucalyptus oil can help create a tranquil atmosphere in your home, while also decreasing feelings of tension and promoting relaxation.

Feelings of Open Airways

Because it contains the chemical component eucalyptol, Eucalyptus oil is useful for creating a cooling vapor when applied to the skin or inhaled. When the seasons change, you can rub a few drops of Eucalyptus on your chest to promote feelings of open airways.

Cleansing Agent

When you’re looking for a quick yet powerful way to clean up around the house, Eucalyptus oil is optimal for cleansing surfaces. Combine Eucalyptus with Lemon and Peppermint oil in a spray bottle, and then use the mixture to wipe down surfaces in your kitchen, bathroom, or other common areas of your home.

Soothing Massage

Not only are the cooling properties of Eucalyptus incredibly useful for promoting feelings of clear breathing, but they also make this oil great for massage. When you want to ease sore muscles, consider combining a few drops of Eucalyptus with a carrier oil like Fractionated Coconut Oil or an unscented lotion. Not only will this massage feel amazing, but the aroma of Eucalyptus will help to clear the mind and calm feelings of tension and stress.Gently rub the combination on the problem area and enjoy the cooling, soothing effects of Eucalyptus oil.

Clean and Revitalize the Skin

With Eucalyptus oil’s powerful cleansing and purifying properties, it’s beneficial for the skin. If your skin feels oily, consider adding a few drops of Eucalyptus to your daily moisturizer or toner to experience the oil’s skin-revitalizing benefits. If you apply a Eucalyptus-infused moisturizer or toner in the morning, you’ll have the added benefit of carrying the uplifting, vitalizing aroma of Eucalyptus with you throughout your day.

Support During Menstruation

Due to its soothing, calming nature, Eucalyptus is frequently used to provide support during menstruation. Simply massaging Eucalyptus oil into the lower abdomen daily during menstruation can provide the help you need during this time of month.







I would love to hear how you use Eucalyptus Essential Oil! Share your favorite diffuser and roller recipes in the comments!




How to Use Essential Oils on Kids

How to Use Essential Oils on Kids

Curious about how to use essential oils on kids? Learn the 3 ways to use essential oils on babies, toddlers and children, how to properly dilute essential oil and the best areas to apply essential oils to kids. 

Being able to use essential oils on my kids is something I am so thankful for. I can’t imagine doing this mom gig without them.

A question I get asked fairly frequently is if using essential oils on kids is safe. I personally believe that using essential oils on kids can be very safe as long as you follow a few basic safety rules and common sense guidelines.

Are ready to start using essential oils in your home? I recommend starting with the FAMILY KIT

Listen to my Essential Oils 101 class to learn about how I use oils in my home.

(This post contains referral links and Amazon affiliate links. I only recommend products I use and love! Read my full disclosure here)


There are three basic ways to use essential oils on kids. Aromatically, topically and internally. If you are just learning about essential oils, you may also want to check out my post HOW TO USE ESSENTIAL OILS


The main thing you need to know about using essential oils on kids, is that it is really important to dilute them first.

Making roller bottles is the easiest way I have found to dilute essential oils for kids. You can order empty roller bottles and make your own by mixing the essential oil with a carrier oil (such as fractionated coconut oil), or buy premixed ones.

If you’d like to make your own roller bottles, check out my dilution chart down below.

Get Roller Bottles here

You can also dilute essential oils by adding them to lotions or making a salve. This is a great option if you are trying to cover a larger surface area, as it will make it easier to apply.

Some examples when this might come in handy if if you are using essential oils for growing pains, or skin conditions. For example, if you are using essential oils for growing pains you may want to add them to a lotion to make it easier to apply.


Having a diffuser running in the house is not only one of the easiest ways to use essential oils aromatically, it also smells wonderful! As the aroma of the oil is inhaled, tiny essential oil molecules enter the body, where they do their awesome job!

Putting a diffuser in your child’s room at night can help them sleep better, and during the day it helps with their mood.

My kids also like to use essential oils aromatically by inhaling directly out of the bottle. Or, drop a few drops into your hand and cup it over your child’s nose for them to inhale.


Generally speaking, I wouldn’t recommend using essential oils internally for kids under the age of 13. That said, I have used essential oils internally on my kids some. Like always, check with your doctor before using essential oils internally, use your good judgment and listen to your “mom intuition”.

If one of the kids is not feeling their best, I usually prefer the try natural remedies like essential oils first, before turning to antibiotics or over the counter medications, although there are times those become necessary as well. I weigh the pros and cons for each situation, and make the decision that seems best for my family.

The couple of ties that we used essential oils internally on the kids, I made sure to dilute them first. If you don’t want to use a whole drop of oil, you dip a toothpick in the oil bottle and then swirl it about in a teaspoonful of honey. My kids actually love it when I do this, because they get to eat honey!

You can also add it into a cup of warm tea or juice, a little applesauce or even yogurt.


how to use essential oils on kids (1)


Applying essential oils topically is usually my go to method for my kids. The 3 best places to apply oils topically are usually on the bottoms of the feet, along the spine or sometimes directly over the area of concern. Don’t ever put essential oils in eyes or ears!


The bottom of the feet is an idea place to apply essential oils on kids. Not only is the skin in this area less sensitive than other parts on the body, the oil absorbs into the body very rapidly from the sole of the feet.

Another perk of applying essential oil to the bottoms of the feet is the concept of reflexology. If you are familiar with reflexology, you’ll know that the bottom of the foot corresponds with different organs and systems of the body. When you apply oils to certain areas of the food it can help to support the relating body system. For example, the big toe is a good place to apply essential oils if you are struggling with respiratory challenges, as the big toe relates to the pituitary, throat and nose.


Sometimes the biggest challenge about using essential oils on small children is doing it in a way where they can’t get it into their eyes and mouth. Applying essential oils along the spine is great for kids because it’s an area they can’t touch!

The spine also has a higher concentration of nerves and blood flow, which can help to absorb essential oils well and distribute them quickly throughout the body.


Applying essential oils directly to the area of concern can be very effective. Just make sure they are properly diluted. For example, with a tummy ache, you could apply a digestive blend directly over the belly. Or if you child gets a scraped knee, you can apply an oil right the cut. You can apply diluted oil along the jaw line for teething pain, or around the ear for an ear ache. Just be sure -as always!- to avoid putting any oil into their ear.


Um…YES! It is very important, ESPECIALLY when using essential oils on kids.

When I first learned about essential oils, I had just had my first baby, and was so excited to learn about these amazing natural remedies. It didn’t take me long to learn how many options were out there, and how many different places they were available for purchase. I quickly began to question what the difference in quality was.

Another thing I noticed was the wide variation in price, and wondered why some were so much pricier. I started to dig around online, doing some research, and learned some interesting facts.


Essential oil are not regulated by the FDA, so that leaves a lot of “wiggle room” for honesty on the label. Basically, you need to research the company in depth, and find a company that you know you can trust. Look for how they source the oils, what kind of testing and quality control they use, and Essential oils are not regulated by the FDA, so basically you have to do your own research. You can’t trust the bottle or the label.  Be sure to find a company you can trust.  Be on the lookout for how they source their oils, the testing they do, and how they manage quality control.

After reading up on a lot of different companies (and there are several good ones out there) I personally settled on using doTERRA essential oils for my family. I feel extremely comfortable with the high quality of oils they produce, and like that they have all of their oil testing done through a third party independent lab, and that I can personally see the test results.

If you’d like to learn about the 10 essential oils that I started with, and that I recommend to others who are just getting started, you can watch my video class on it HERE.


In a nutshell, yes. When using essential oils on children and babies, it is always wisest to dilute them properly. Diluting an oil doesn’t mean you are lessening the effectiveness of the oil In fact, using a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil can even help the essential oil to absorb better into the body.

Here is a basic cheat sheet on diluting oils for kids. This chart is based on a 10mL roller bottle size.

  • Newborn-6 months: 1-2 drops per roller bottle
  • 6 months- 2 years: 1-3 drops per roller bottle
  • 2 -5 years: 2-5 drops per roller bottle
  • 5-12 years: 5-10 drops per roller bottle
  • 13 and up: 15-30 drops per roller bottle

As you can see, it doesn’t take much! Essential oils are so powerful and effective, a little goes a long way!


I am personally of the opinion that, as long as you are using high quality essential oils, you can use any oils on children that you would use on yourself. There are some oils that are extremely hot and can burn, and you will need to be cautious with those.


  • Clove
  • Thyme
  • Cassia
  • Cinnamon Bark
  • Oregano


There are SO many essential oils that are great for kids! But I definitely have a few that I use more frequently than others, and have become standard favorites.

LAVENDER-This oil is very calming and can help with sleep. It’s great for all things skin related, as well.

WILD ORANGE-Citrus oils are very uplifting, and I like to diffuse them in the house to help promote positive moods! LEMON and BERGAMOT are other favorites. For more ideas on using citrus oils, check out my post 10 RECIPES USING ESSENTIAL OILS

ON GUARD-My favorite immune boosting blend. If people are feeling under the weather or we have been around a long of other kids, I will bust out my bottle of ONGUARD to help keep everyone’s immune systems boosted.


  • Dilute essential oils properly before using them on children
  • Avoid eyes and ears
  • The 3 best areas to apply oils on kids are; along the spine, bottoms of feet or area of concern
  • Only use high quality oils that have been properly sourced and tested

What is your favorite essential oil to use on children? I’d love to hear your experiences!

Are you ready to get started using oils in your home? Get the Essential Oil FAMILY KIT or listen to my FREE CLASS

DIY Laundry Soap with Essential Oils

DIY Laundry Soap with Essential Oils

How to Make Homemade Laundry Soap or Detergent



* Any plain bar soap such as Ivory or Fels Napa. My personal favorite is Dr Bronner’s Castile soap. (WHERE TO BUY DR BRONNERS CASTILE SOAP)
* 30-50 drops of essential oils of choice (I list my favorites below)


DIY Laundry Soap


  1. Grate the bar soap or mix in food processor until finely ground.
  2. In a large bowl, mix 2 parts washing soda, 2 parts Borax and 1 part grated soap. (I typically use 1 bar of grated soap and 1 cup each of washing soda and borax.)
  3. Store the laundry soap in a closed container. I like to keep mine in quart or half gallon mason jars. (If you are using a big enough container, you can skip step 2 and just put all ingredients in the jar and shake it up good.)
  4. Use 2 Tbl. up to 1/4 cup per load of laundry.


These are some of my favorite essential oils to use for laundry soap. If you’re wanting to learn about using essential oils as part of a toxin free home, you can watch my online essential oil class.

  1. LAVENDER– Lavender is a very calming, relaxing essential oil, with a lovely floral smell. This is a standard go to for laundry soap.
    2. WILD ORANGE–  Invigorating, uplifting, and cleansing; wild orange will put a spring in your step and make your clothes extra fresh!
    3. MELALEUCA– Melaleuca purifies and cleanses.  If you forget to put wet laundry in the dryer when it is done (guilty) add a few drops of this essential Oil to the wet clothes before tossing them in.
    4. PEPPERMINT– Sooo refreshing! This is my favorite scent in my homemade laundry soap for the summer as it’s cooling and refreshing.
    5. EUCALYPTUS– Eucalyptus oil will freshen clothes and kill germs and is great to use during the back to school season.
    6. LEMONGRASS– Refreshing and earthy, this is a great scent for men.
    7. ROMAN CHAMOMILE–  A very calming essential oil that is great for kids. Has a nice floral scent.
    8. CEDARWOOD– Cedarwood is a woodsy scent that is great for men. It also has cleansing properites that great for use in your soap.
    9. PATCHOULI–  This is a personal preference. I’ve noticed people either love or hate the smell of patchouli!
    10. GERANIUM–  One of my favorites! It reminds me of my great-grandma’s flower shop. Geranium is calming and helpful with stress and anxiety. If you want to smell like a bed of flowers all day then add geranium to your laundry soap.



  • 20 drops wild orange
  • 15 drops lemon
  • 10 drops lime
  • 5 drops grapefruit


  • 20 drops lavender
  • 15 drops jasmine
  • 10 drops pachouli
  • 5 drops clary sage


  • 25 drops lavender
  • 10 drops roman chamomile


  • 20 drops eucalyptus
  • 15 drops melaleuca
  • 10 drops lemon
  • 5 drops peppermint

Well, that’s it! I hope this helps you and gives you some good ideas! I’d love to hear what your favorite essential oil combo is for your laundry! Drop a comment and tell me!

XOXO Gessell

10 Essential Oil Recipes Using Lemon Oil

10 Essential Oil Recipes Using Lemon Oil

10 Essential Oil Recipes Using Lemon Oil

I’m excited to share my favorite 10 Essential Oil Recipes Using Lemon Oil with you! When I first starting using essential oils, lemon was one of the first ones that I started using, and it quickly became the most frequent!

10 Essential Oil Recipes Using Lemon Oil

Pure lemon essential oil can be used in everything from cleaning, to cooking, to skin care. Here are a few of my favorite essential oil blends and recipes that use lemon essential oil.

(This post contains referral links. I only recommend products I use and love! Read my full disclosure here)

Grease Stain Fighter

I wish I had discovered this laundry hack using essential oils YEARS ago. Just rub a few drops of lemon essential oil onto a grease stain before throwing into the wash, and voila!

Essential Oil Night Serum

  • 1/2 c jojoba oil
  • 20 drops Frankincense essential oil
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 10 drops lavender essential oil

Add to a glass dropper bottle. Apply to face before bed or after washing.

Lemon Dusting Spritz

Add to a glass spray bottle.

Natural Bleach Alternative

Mix in glass bottle and spray on surfaces that need cleaned or sanitized.

Lemon Laundry Detergent Recipe

  • 1 1/2 c baking soda
  • 1 1/2 c washing soda (plain)
  • 1 c Borax
  • 1/2 c Epsom salt
  • 2 T salt
  • 5 drops doterra Purify Essential Oil
  • 5 drops lemon essential oil

Combine all ingredients in a food processor until fine, then store in airtight container. I usse 2 Tablespoon per load.

Pore Cleanser

Mix with just enough water to make a paste. Leave on trouble zone for 15 minutes.

Mirror & Window Cleaner

Add to glass spray bottle.

Shower Spray

  • 2 c distilled water
  • 2 T unscented liquid Castile soap
  • 10 drops lemon essential oil
  • 15 drops melaleuca essential oil

Add to glass spray bottle.

Seasonal Breath Easy

2 drops each: lemon, lavender, peppermint essential oils. Apply on the back of the neck and bottom of feet 2x/day

Manicure Oil

Rub lemon essential oil onto your to cuticles to soften.


thriving mama

Welcome! I’m Gessell. Follow along for all things natural living, essential oil education, motherhood and healthy recipes.

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Lemon Essential Oil is a staple in a toxin-free home! Shop for Essential Oils in my online shop

Learn more about how to use essential oils topically, aromatically and internally here

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10 Essential Oil Recipes Using Lemon Oil

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How to Use Essential Oils

How to Use Essential Oils

How to Use Essential Oils

Essential oils are one of my favorite “crunchy hippie mama” items. And with good reason. They are a powerful natural tool to have in your natural mama arsenal, along with a fresh, whole foods diet and a few other quality supplements and natural home remedies. I started using them when my first was just a baby, and our family has used them nearly every day since.

One of the biggest questions I get about essential oils is “but, HOW do I use them?”

While we have been using essential oils in our home for quite some time, I know there are a lot of beginner essential oil users out there who aren’t sure where to start. That’s why I made this FREE online Essential Oils Class! To help answer your questions and start you on your essential oil journey! Click here to take my class…

What are Essential Oils?

If you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, you’ve experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant. Essential oils give plants their distinctive smells, essential oils protect plants and play a role in plant pollination.

Essential oils are aromatic, volatile liquids that are found within many shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds. Sometimes called the “life blood” of the plant, most essential oils are extracted from the plant through steam distillation.

Essential oils have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health-care practices. Distillation pots have been found dating back about 3,500 BC!

The Three Ways to Use Essential Oils

There are three basic ways to use essential oils.

  • Aromatically
  • Topically
  • Ingesting


The Art of Aromatherapy! The beautiful smells of essential oils is usually what first grabs someones interest.

Scents and emotion are so closely linked. Every time I smell a musty trunk, I think of our summer cabin from childhood. It was my favorite place on earth….

Delicious smells, stinky smells, smells we associate with memories and life experience become associated with specific emotions. Aromatherapy can provide the same physical and emotional responses on cue.

There are many different showing that essential oils are beneficial in supporting physical and emotional health. Smells are processed via input from the olfactory bulb, which is at the base of our brain and connects to a part of the brain brain called the amygdala and the hippopotamus, which is the part of our brain that processes emotion and memory.

Aromatherapy, in nutshell, is inhaling essential oils. The easiest way to do so is by using a good diffuser.

How to use an essential oil diffuser

There are two basic kinds of diffusers. Water based and oscillating. The most common essential oil diffuser is water based. For this type of diffuser,  simply mix 2-8 drops of essential oil with water (either tap or distilled per the diffuser’s instructions) into athediffuser. The diffuser breaks apart the oil into tiny molecules and disperses them through the air. An oscillating diffuser doesn’t use water but also breaks the molecules up and disperses them. I personally like the oscillating kind of diffuser the best, though they tend to be a little pricier.

While I’ve always been sensitive to synthetic perfumes and air fresheners, little did I know how many chemicals they contained and how toxic they can be. An Essential Oil diffuser can be a great alternative to these.

“Researchers found that most types of incense emitted significant amounts of particles, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and oxides of nitrogen, resulting in the inflammatory response.”

Ick! No thank you! Give me my safe essential oils to freshen and cleanse our indoor air any day!

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Using essential oils topically is one of my favorite ways to reap the benefits of EOs.

Because of their molecular structure, essential oils are rapidly absorbed by the skin. When you apply them topically, it takes about 20 minutes for an oil to affect every cell in the body. And then, it only takes a few hours before the oil is metabolized.

The feet are my go to place for applying essential oils, especially on my kiddos. The feet contain thick, less sensitive skin and are far away from mucous membranes, (think eyes, mouth, etc). The last thing I want is for my little ones to rub their eyes after getting a strong oil on their fingers, so putting the oil on their feet and then immediately putting socks on remedies that problem.

The key to using essential oils is to dilute them properly. Many EOs are too strong to be used directly on the skin without being diluted especially if you have more sensitive skin. Diluting essential oils also helps to them spread over a larger surface area of the skin, which helps the oil penetrate your body better, makes the oil last longer.

When diluting essential oils, a general rule of thumb is:

  • Add 1-2 drops of essential oil per 1 TEASPOON of carrier oil for adult
  • Add 1-2 drops of essential oil per 1 TABLESPOON of carrier oil for children over 2 years of age. (Always do your research before applying oils on kids as they are more sensitive than us grown-ups. I usually don’t use “hot” oils like cinnamon bark, oregano, wintergreen and even peppermint on my kids unless they are VERY well diluted and applied in a place they aren’t going to get the oil on their fingers and into their eyes.)

What is a carrier oil?

A carrier oil is an oil that is used to dilute the essential oil. My favorite carrier oil is coconut,  any cold-pressed vegetable/fruit oil will work well,  like  olive,  almond, avocado, jojoba or rose hip.


I usually recommend that someone spends some time educating themselves on EO’s before beginning to use them internally. Remember, essential oils are super concentrated. For example, one drop of Peppermint oil is the equivalent to 26 cups of Peppermint tea! There has been a lot of controversy over the past few years about whether essential oils are safe for internal use. Ultimately,  you need to educate yourself and find what works for you. I personally feel extremely comfortable using essential oils internally as long as they are THERAPEUTIC GRADE OILS ONLY. One of the reasons I choose doTERRA Essential Oils is because of the confidence I have in their high quality and third party testing.

Cooking with Essential Oils

I love using essential oils in some of my recipes, like Peppermint Bark or Orange fudge. (recipes coming soon!) My top tip in using essential oils in cooking is DON’T OVERDO IT!  It just takes a few drops-sometimes even half a drop!- to add the flavor or essence to the recipe. I like to dip the end of a toothpick in the bottle then stir it in to add small amounts. I also try to use in only raw/uncooked recipes since heat can change the molecular structure of the oil.

Learn to Use Essential Oils

Which Essential Oils to Use?

Truth be told, there are many wonderful companies who sell essential oils. And some not so wonderful. The main thing is to choose a company that create THERAPEUTIC GRADE oils, that have not been cut with filler oils, had synthetic oils added or made from poor quality plants that have been sprayed with pesticides. Most essential oils bought off the shelf don’t meet these requirements.

I use doTERRA essential oils because I feel so comfortable with their quality and standards. Each doTERRA essential oil is carefully and thoroughly tested using the strict CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® quality protocol. Experienced essential oil users will immediately recognize the superior quality standard for naturally safe, purely effective therapeutic-grade doTERRA essential oils. I think everyone should make Essential Oils part of their daily life.

If you’d like to learn more about the practical application of oils and their different therapeutic benefits, or how to get oils for your home, a good place to start would be my online class where I show you my favorite ten essential oils for every day use. You can check my online essential oil class here: doTERRA Essential Oils

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions!

How do you like to use essential oils? What is your favorite oil? Share with us in the comments below!

Be sure to check out my ONLINE ESSENTIAL OIL CLASS



(This post contains referral links and Amazon affiliate links. I only recommend products I use and love! Read my full disclosure here)

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3 Basic Ways to Use Essential Oils 

thriving mama

Welcome! I’m Gessell. Follow along for all things natural living, essential oil education, motherhood and healthy recipes.

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