Here are 3 easy ways to simplify your life, reduce overwhelm and and stress so you can thrive as a busy mom.

Something that has become very important to me since becoming a mama is learning to be more intentional so as to reduce stress and  cultivate a more abundantly thriving motherhood and family life.

So while this sounds great in theory, I’ve found that the key question is HOW? How do I continue to grow in this area?


One huge answer I’ve found is EMBRACING SIMPLICITY, therefore embracing focused intentionality.

So, in the spirit of keeping things SIMPLE, here are 3 things that you can do TODAY to simplify your life:

1. Attack a problem area in your home or life

Is there an area of your home that just isn’t working? Maybe it’s causing you mental stress every time you think about it, or wasting your time and energy to work around it?  For example, it could be a closet, the laundry room, a junk drawer, the fridge… whatever it is, it’s time to tackle it head on!!

In short, declutter, clean, and organize it. You’ll feel so relieved once it done. I promise, it’s worth the effort!


3 easy ways to simplify your life as a Busy mom

2. Go screen free

Constant stimulation from phones, tv’s and laptops can add to overwhelm and stress. Make a commitment to be FULLY present throughout your day, and only use screens during designated times. And as a result, you’ll feel calmer and more at peace and focused.

If you’re struggling to limit screen like for yourself or your kids, my friend Martha from has some great tips!

3. Stop the multi-tasking

This is hands down the hardest one for me. For example, I’m having to intentionally retrain myself to focus on one task at a time. Being a mama to small children can make this feel especially hard because they require so much attention, but I’ve found that if I can focus on one thing at a time instead of trying to do ALL THE THINGS all at once that my mood is sooo much better and my children are calmer.

Another thing that has helped me to focus is meditating. I have a post about it here.

Sometimes following a schedule can help me stay focused. So, I put together one that I’d like to share. You can download and print it off here:

I hope these tips helped you, because they’ve helped me! If you’re looking for some ideas on being more productive as a mom, be sure to check out this post.

Let me know below what helps you to simplify and thrive in YOUR life!

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